30 August 2010

lakes, paddling, and sinuses

maria, kim, and i went paddle surfing this weekend. it was so peaceful. we paddled in a quaint quarry up north. next time: lake austin. here's a band called lake. today, this song is soothing me and my sinusitis. 

"bad dream"

27 August 2010

it's the weekend, party people

i love to put leftasrain.com on shuffle at work. here are two fun ones i discovered today:

"youngblood" by the naked and famous

"moneygrabber" by fitz and tantrums

25 August 2010

music themed gifts

oh, how i love music-themed birthday gifts. not only did i get itunes gift cards (shout out: chris, mals, courtney & fred!), but katy gave me 50 blank cds (subtle, i think she wants a mix), maria gave me a headphones necklace, and scott made me a killer mix!

rock out to some new tunes from scott...
"lewis takes off his shirt" by owen pallett

"falling without knowing" by tilly and the wall

"bruises" by chairlift

23 August 2010

dirty, dirty

guess how old i'm going to be?!

twenty-nine was by far my best year. so, as jeanie would say, "i ain't scurred" of turning thirty! thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with me on saturday. to those of you that couldn't be there, you were missed.  please check out our fun:

i think this song is appropriate to blare as i exit my third decade.
"ooh la la" by the faces

19 August 2010

party time

three day weekend! you feel me? i think it is party time!

i'm finally feeling transitioned back into my life and home.
 "home" by glasser

one adjustment is getting back into the swing of my long work commute. but i am a lucky girl, for the second year in a row i can say i am excited to be back at work! all i need on my drive out to the burbs is some good musical accompaniment.
how appropriate: 
"sprawl ii (mountains beyond mountains)" by arcade fire

15 August 2010


lollapalooza, bryan--that's his hand--loves you!

instead of slamming any musicians--well, i might do that, but just lady gaga--i figured i would share songs from the shows that i liked best.

but first: lady gaga is a nut job. i opted to see her instead of the strokes (regret 1) but only because i will see the strokes at acl, and figured i would never ever pay to see her live again. i'll admit it, she was entertaining. she talks too damned much, though. and frankly, i don't particularly like her voice. and when she screams it's scary. the set and costumes were wild and fun to take in, but after awhile i felt like i was at a musical and let's be honest, i hate musicals. and now, on to what i don't hate...

(for my gypsy loving friend, jacqui.) gogol bordello and his gypsy punk band are awesome! he got us dancing even in the direct heat of midday. gogol brings the party and i thought it was cool how many countries are represented in his band. check his energy here:

one of my favorite shows was the fuck buttons. really?!, just two guys?
"flight of the feathered serpent"

the walkmen were the first band we saw during our lolla weekend, and they were a nice transition in.
"canadian girl"

what i remember about cut copy is a colorful flashing light backdrop and a lot of bouncing.
"lights and music"

and, now, for the show i was most excited to see: the arcade fire. they did not disappoint! in fact, they impressed. i even noticed that a certain someone, who thinks their most impressive record was funeral, was beside himself with rocking. it's hard to describe how incredible they are live.
it's true, funeral is fantastic. "rebellion (lies)"

i had so much fun at lollapalooza, that my best friend broke her foot! some other noteworthies to see if they come your way: the black keys, the national, yeasayer, the dodos (we missed them, but we did hang out with them), devo (for real! oldies but goodies), raphael saadiq, and edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros (but only if you haven't seen them before, every show is the same).  other regrets: hot chip (conflicted with the black keys) and empire of the sun.

13 August 2010


bummed the lcd sound system and hot chip tour is not coming to austin. i like the sound of that party. at least i can watch this video and crack up.

"i feel better" by hot chip

12 August 2010

back to reality.

i'm baaaack. it's bittersweet. 
lollapalooza report in the works.

in the meantime, the knife.